Marketing Ready Website For A network marketer
A network marketer looking to create a brand on the internet to get more downlines for his network marketing business
To create a website based on his personal brand that not only looks good but also is well optimized to convert visitors to potential leads for his online course. With the online course he converts the registrants for the online course into his downline for his network marketing business
Steps taken to achieve the desired goal:
1. Setup online course platform:
Set up the online course which includes setting up all the videos of the course in an organized format on the website, setting up payment methods
2. Automated webinar setup:
Set up an automated webinar funnel wherein people will register for the webinar and at the end of the webinar, they will be upsold to buy the online course. Here are the following steps done to set up the automated webinar
Create conversion-friendly landing page where interested people can register for the webinar
Setup webinar reminders for webinar registrations so that we can have a high number of webinar attendees for the webinars
Setup automated email setup and easy payment modes for people who are interested to buy the course inside the webinar
3. Optimize website for better webinar registrations:
Setup homepage that lets it’s visitor know what they are exactly going to get by visiting the website and take them through a funnel to make the visitor register for the webinar
Marketing Ready Website For a popular digital marketing coach
A popular digital marketing coach was looking to create his own website under his personal brand. The coach had a number of different programs and coaching services being provided to people of different business backgrounds.
We needed to create a website that not only looks good and is fast but also caters to every type of business owner that the coach serves without confusing the visitor when he/she visits the website
Steps taken to create the desired website:
1. Create a homepage that is simple and guides visitor on where to go to get what they are looking for
With a strong one-liner that represents the coach and a brief about us section on the homepage is added to set the tone to the visitor on what is this website about and what they will be getting
2. Persona wise pages:
A section with 6 blocks showing the six type of customer avatars that the coach has has been added, people from respective backgrounds can click on any of those & get information based on their business niche
3. Every page have lead collection intent:
Each page on the website has some form of lead magnet in the form of a free ebook, course, test etc that is valuable for the website visitor and they can avail it for free in exchange for their name, email id or phone number. This ensures we can collect as many leads as possible and nurture those leads and convert them into customers
4. Optimised landing pages with a good offer for people to buy the coaching programs:
A dedicated well-optimized landing pages for each program with a clear call to actions and enticing offer
5. Analytics setup:
Analytics setup in the website to measure the performance of each and every page of the website. Tracking the number of visitors & how many of them are converting and buying the coaching program and taking steps based on that data to ensure an increase in conversion